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Real Happiness and Meditation
An Ongoing Series by Sharon Salzberg

Thinking about meditation is not the same thing as doing it, which of course is much more difficult. I wrote the book Real Happiness in part to give people the tools they needed to begin or sustain a meditation practice, without having to join any religion, or group, or feel they had to believe in something external in order to do the practice. All too often we are told how to behave, what to wear, who we should be. Meditation brings us into a space where we can begin to examine our assumptions about ourselves, and the way the world works, and what brings us happiness.

This column will feature excerpts from the book Real Happiness as well as reflections from some of the people who have committed to 28 days of meditation practice during the month of February (including myself). May all be happy!

Attention, Attention, Attention!

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge: Week 1

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge: Week 2: Mindfulness and the Body

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge: Week 3

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge: Week 4: Lovingkindness

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge: One Month Later

Meditation: What It Is...and Isn't

Buddha Nature

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge '12: Week 1: Concentration





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