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I have recently graduated SUNY Binghamton summa cum laude and phi betta kappa with a major in creative writing and a minor in women's studies. I am going on next year to Sarah Lawrence for an MA in women's history and hope to pursue a Ph.D. in women's studies. Unfortunately I have received little aid besides loans which puts me in the predicament of amassing immense amount of debt and the possiblity of not being able to continue with my studies after I obtain my MA. Getting my Ph.D. is imperative to me as I hope to be a professor in addition to continuing my activist work. There are too few women's studies professors out there and not enough information about feminism available in many college classrooms, other then watered down rhetoric that is palatable and in no way a threat to the status quo of patriarchy. In order to join the brave women professors who refuse to hide their political and social stances I need to find grants and scholarships to support myself. I am having trouble finding information and available monetary sources and would greatly appreciate any information that might guide me. Keep up the fight!

Thank goodness there are people such as you that are pushing the boundaries both from within and academia and into the rest of the world. Unfortunately, I have only a few suggestions for scholarship money--the Third Wave Foundation; Margot Karle Scholarship Application from Astrea--#212-529-8021. Spinsters Ink also has a scholarship. Also, have you tried going to the New York City based Foundation Center (212-620-4230), which lists several scholarship programs. I hope you are able to continue with your passion.


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