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I work for a training charity in London, England, that helps lone parents (95% women) increase their confidence and find jobs for themselves. I am also a student at the University of North London. For both work and study, I am researching information on the employment position of women in academia in both the UK and US. This covers the broad field of teaching from elementary school up to college, researchers and academic administration.

I wondered if you could suggest any individuals to contact or websites to log-on to on this subject - in relation to the US especially. Many thanks for your time in advance. - Jo

You can learn about the salaries of U.S. women who work in academia at the University level through Academe: Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors. They do an "Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession." (Because this is only for the University level, perhaps they can suggest other organizations for other levels of teaching). Academe: Suite 500, 1012 14th STreet, NW, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 737-5900. I hope this helps.


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