have quite an undertaking in
front of you -- there is a lot
to cover of the women's rights
movement of the 60s and 70s.
I'm not sure if you have chosen
a specific focus within this
topic or if there is specific
information you are looking
for. Generally speaking, I can
say that this was the time that
the women's rights movement
really came into being. This
era of the movement grew out
of two main sources: the civil
rights movement and the student
rights movement/leftist movement.
In both of these movements,
women were being overlooked
- their leadership, their issues
and their contribution. So,
they reacted and created their
own movement that allowed them
to join forces for other like-minded
movements. This phase of the
movement focused on legal change
and on creating a consciousness
about gender inequalities (what
they were and how to overcome
them.) I hope this helps and
I hope that you learn lots from
this project. You can look around
Feminist.com for more information. Good luck.