as an active American feminist
living in France I am a member
of a group called Chiennes de
Garde (She-watch) defending
women's rights. We were shocked
to learn recently that there
is an excellent restaurant on
the CHamps ELysees that refuses
to allow unaccompanied women
to enter after 6 o'clock! This
rule was started at the turn
of the century to prevent prostitutes
from coming in looking for customers.
This continued ban implies that
to this day, a woman out alone
(or with another woman, "unaccompanied"
means unaccompanied by a man)
is still considered as a potential
wanting to address the issue
of prostitutes' rights, we want
to make a scandal about this
ban. When I first heard about
it, I said, "I can't believe
it, I'm sure those battles were
fought in the States 20 or 30
years ago." I have vague memories
of feminists suing the Oak Room
at the Plaza Hotel and some
pub downtown whose name escapes
me, but those battles were won
before I was old enough to drink...
Now my French "camarades" want
the facts. WHEN did American
feminists break down the ban
on women in those bars in NY?
And as I say, it's all too far
away and vague for me to say...
Being as I'm in France, it's
really hard for me to get any
of the women's history books
you mentioned in your FAQs,
so I would be unmeasurably grateful
if anyone there could help with
this. I'd be glad to know regardless,
but if by any chance we could
get the info ASAP, it would
be particularly helpful, as
we're planning to stage a "commando
attack" (peaceful of course,
just asking to be served) next
week. Thanks again, and bravo
for your site!
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Yes, American feminists were
successful in breaking down
barriers both at public places
and also private clubs. Besides
the more famous example of the
Oak Room at the Plaza, the final
case was actually with Jaycees--and
it was several years of activism
that led to the case. For instance,
they first picketed out in front
of the Jaycees back in 1974
noting that "they accept public
money and yet deny women membership."
in 1982 the NOW
Legal Defense and Education
Fund filed an amicus brief
on behalf of the Minnesota Supreme
Court, which had ruled that
the U.S. Jaycees is a public
accommodation, prohibited by
state law from excluding women
from full membership on the
basis of their sex. This case
was decided in favor of the
women in 1984. Then in 1987
a similar case came before the
U.S. Supreme Court and the result
was that male-only clubs such
as the Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis
Clubs must admit women.
you can see that it was a long
haul, but it did start with
picketing. Though you might
want to back up one step further
and try by asking the place
if they realize that this law
exists and what they intend
to do about the fact that it
diminishes their clients--also
letting them know that your
next step is to picket. Also
you should do some research
as French law is certainly different
than the U.S.--one, make sure
that you can picket--you might
need permission by the city--and
two be clear about what law
they are breaking--is it sex
discrimination. You also might
want to contact the NOW
Legal Defense and Education
Fund since they were responsible
for filing the case in the U.S.
I hope that helps--and good
luck to you and your comrades.