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Women's History

Hello, my name is Ashley and I was doing some research on the feminist movement and I noticed on your site how you have nothing about the history of how women became what they are today - you don't have anything about the 19th amendment to the constitution or how it was passed and who helped pass it. If I have looked something over could you please email me back or tell me how all of this was done. Thank you, Ashley

Thanks for your note to Feminist.com--and for thinking us for help with your research. I think that you just haven't looked in the right place of Feminist.com for information about women's history. For instance, if you look at Ask Amy and the Q&A's listed under Women's History, you will find lots of information about women's history, including information about the 19th Amendment.

In short, the feminist movement is historically broken down into three ways--the first being that which emerged during the mid-1800s and culminated in women winning the right to vote in 1920. (Native American women were active long before this, but that doesn't usually make it's way into the history books.) However, these first wave warriors also made is possible for women to own and inherit property, to divorce, to have custody of their children, to have a right to their wages and for black men and women to be citizens.

The second wave really began with Alice Pauls call for an Equal Rights Amendment in the early 1920s--and since we don't yet have and ERA, we still have an active Second Wave that has attained other legal standing for women--they integrated the little league, private clubs, schools, etc... They also made rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment and discrimination illegal.

Now, has come along the Third Wave--to help with the Second Wave in its legal battles, but also to change consciousness--to put feminism out into the culture so we all breathe it in. When that is done--someone wouldn't even dare rape or pay a woman less. It will simply be unthinkable.

I hope that helps with your research. Read more here at Ask Amy's Women's History section for further information.


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