I was hoping you could direct
me to some useful sites or any
other information concerning
women in this century, preferably
during the mid to late 1930's
and the early to mid 1950's.
The topic I chose to research
were the similarties and differences
in the 1939 film "The Women"
and its 1956 remake "The Opposite
Sex". I wanted to do this especially
in terms of their historical
contexts, and how the portrayal
of women progressed over this
period of time. Thank you in
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
There are a few feminist books
devoted entirely to the 1950s
and I think that would be a
good start:
are also some books which include
summations, documentations of
these times, such as Ellen Chesler's
biography of Margaret Sanger--Woman of Valor. Margaret came of age during this time, so there might be
some helpful hints.