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Women's History

I am in the tenth grade and participating in the National History Day competition. I have chosen Women's Suffrage as my topic. Your page helped me to better understand the history of the Women's Suffrage Movement. If you have any information that would help me with my project, I would greatly appreciate it. Your friend, Carrie

Thanks for your note to Feminist.com and for making sure that Women's Suffrage is a part of history. I'm sure that you will inspire your classmates by introducing them to women's history, which is rarely told. Here are some great books that you should reference for your report:

  • The Woman's Almanac by Louise Berkinow
  • A Century of Women: A History of Women in Brittain and the United States by Sheila Rawbotham
  • Scholastic Encyclopedia of Women in the U.S. by Sheila Keenan
  • A History of Women in America by Carol Hymowitz and Michaele Weissman
  • Born for Liberty: A History of Women in America by Sara M. Evans
  • One Woman/One Vote: Rediscovering the Woman Suffrage Movement edited by Marjorie Spruill Wheeler

I also suggest you visit the National Women's History Project site, and read our feature at Feminist.com entitled Taking a New Look at the Woman Suffrage Movement.


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