am writing a thesis concerning
working mothers and their effect
in the workplace. My topic also
includes the history of women
in the workforce (Civil War
to the present), childcare/daycare,
education. I am trying to find
additional information concerning
the emergence of child/daycare
from the World War I and II
era with its statistics. Primarily
I'm looking for literature on
the subject. Could you please
point me in the right direction..
It would be greatly appreciated.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for your research on childcare--a
topic that I have recently been
paying more attention to. Mostly
because for my generation (I'm
28) the barrier seems to be
children, whereas for past generations
it was marriage. Now, we have
to work to make child rearing
a male and female job--or better
yet, one not based on gender
at all. For more on this topic
you should reference the following:
- Wellesley
Center for Research on Women
(based in Wellesley, MA),
which is hosting a conference
on the workplace and childcare
and family structure, etc...
in November.
- The
Progressive Policy Institute
based in Washington, DC) has
done work around Clinton's
Child Care Initiative and
thus may have information
for you.
soon to be published book--Children's
Interest/Mother's Rights
by Sonya Michel. It will be published
by Yale University Press, New
London, CT. Sonya Michel is director
of the Women's Studies Program
at the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, so contacting
her may be a good first step.
You should also look for the work
of Theresa Funiciello, author
of Tyranny of Kindness
and numerous articles on related
I hope these four suggestions
point you in the right direction.