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Women's History

I am currently attending Mount Vernon College in Washington, D.C. I am taking a liberal studies class that focuses on women's history. We were asked to do a research paper on womens political organizations through history. I would like some help on where I would find such information. Many thanks in advance, Jennifer

Thanks for your note to Feminist.com and good luck in advance with your studies.

I can't tell from your note if you just want these groups to be U.S. based, but working under that assumption, you should contact the National Women's History Project. You should also contact the National Council for Research on Women based in New York City at 212-274-0730. They have a great resource book of contemporary women's groups. There is also a book called Feminist Chronicles: 1953-1993 (available at the Feminist.com Bookstore), but as you can see from the title--that only begins in 1953.


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