and Peace: I am a writer, who
often uses famous persons for
point of illustration. Today
I was struck by how very few
truly famous women are heralded
in American culture. I would
like to know and honor the worthy
women who should be just as
famous as Edison, Carver and
Einstein. I am especially interested
in those who enjoyed an expanded
concept of who we are in essence.
Can you please inform me of
such individuals and some references
that underline their "expandedness".
In Service and Respect, Rafiki
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for your commitment to presenting
a more accurate look at American
Culture. Here is a sampling
of some of the women I would
recommend. These are women who
created change, change that
has literally changed our history
and our future.
- Victoria
Woodhull--a pioneer on Wall
Street--and the first woman
to run for president in the
last 1800s.
- Sojourner
Truth--an abolitionist who
claimed "Ain't I A Woman."
- Harriet
Tubman--who made it possible
for many slaves to reach freedom
- Jeanette
Rankin--the first woman in
the U.S. Congress.
- Amelia
Earhart--an incredibly accomplished
pilot who made it possible
for many more...
more specifics--and for more suggestions,
I suggest that you reference the
following books:
- Black
Women in America: An Encyclopedia
edited by Darlene Clark Hine.
- Herstory:
Women who changed the World
edited by Ruth Ashby and Deborah
Gore Ohrn (This includes:
Artemisia Gentileschi; Jane
Austen; the Grimke Sisters;
Golda Meir; Mother Jones;
Mary Bethune; Rachel Carson.
- Women
Imagine Change: An Anthology
of Women's Writings on Resistance
from 600 BCE to the Present
edited by Jean O'Barr, and
others (Rutledge Press, 1998).
This includes many incredible
women whose resistance paved
the way for many others who
could safely avoid those road
Of course there are so many
more that could be added to
this list. I hope that you can
easily find them and re-write
them into history. Good luck.