that your request seems to deal
with two "categories"--the elderly
or aging and sexual harassment--there
are two different groups that
I suggest you contact for further
- The
Grey Panthers is a great group
based in Philadelphia, PA
that works with older women
on issues that particularly
impact them. Their phone #
is 202-466-3132.
Legal Defense & Education
Fund -- has done extensive
research on sexual harassment
laws, etc.... They have prepared
a number of helpful short
books and fact sheets on the
subject. Their main office
is in Washington, DC - 119
Constitution Avenue, NE, Washington,
DC 20002; 202-544-4470; fax
There are also a number of books
that might be helpful to you:
- Power
in the People: She Fought
Senator Packwood; Now She
Outlines a Grassroots Workbook
for Political Change in Your
Neighborhood, State and Nation
by Jeanette Lona Fruen (New
Horizon Press, Far Hills,
NJ; 1996)
- Sexual
Harassment on the Job: A Step
By Step Guide for Working
Women by Attorneys William
Petrocelli & Barbara Kate
Repa (Nolo Press, Berkeley,
CA 1992)
hope these suggestions help--good