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Sexual Harassment

I am looking for resources to help me plan a workshop on sexual harassment in nursing homes. This is in regard to caregivers that are subjected to inappropriate remarks from residents of the home. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

Given that your request seems to deal with two "categories"--the elderly or aging and sexual harassment--there are two different groups that I suggest you contact for further information.

  • The Grey Panthers is a great group based in Philadelphia, PA that works with older women on issues that particularly impact them. Their phone # is 202-466-3132.
  • NOW Legal Defense & Education Fund -- has done extensive research on sexual harassment laws, etc.... They have prepared a number of helpful short books and fact sheets on the subject. Their main office is in Washington, DC - 119 Constitution Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002; 202-544-4470; fax 202-546-8605.

There are also a number of books that might be helpful to you:

  • Power in the People: She Fought Senator Packwood; Now She Outlines a Grassroots Workbook for Political Change in Your Neighborhood, State and Nation by Jeanette Lona Fruen (New Horizon Press, Far Hills, NJ; 1996)
  • Sexual Harassment on the Job: A Step By Step Guide for Working Women by Attorneys William Petrocelli & Barbara Kate Repa (Nolo Press, Berkeley, CA 1992)
I hope these suggestions help--good luck.



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