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Sexual Harassment

would appear it is based on politics and not on the truth of the matter. We have before us a pattern of behavior by the leaders of our country and feminists are silent! I find that very interesting. - DS

Why is there no rallying to the side of Paula Jones as there was to the side of Anita Hill? Do we take political sides? Obviously we do don't we? It would appear it is based on politics and not on the truth of the matter. We have before us a pattern of behavior by the leaders of our country and feminists are silent! I find that very interesting. - DS

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM. Visitors to the site generate the questions I answer at FEMINIST.COM, not by me. When I have been asked about Paula Jones I have answered (see past answers). I have never been asked about Anita Hill, so in fact I have given more attention to the Paula Jones' case than I've ever given to the Anita Hill case.

The bottom line is that I support sexual harassment laws. When the harassment is named and identified the laws exist and are used to protect employees from unwanted harassment from their co-workers and their superiors. That said, I support both Anita Hill and Paula Jones in their ability to use the law.

However, I also see the points in these two cases to be very different. Anita Hill was repeatedly harassed by Clarence Thomas. She said "no" on numerous occasions and the harassment kept coming. To add insult to injury Clarence Thomas does not support sexual harassment laws. Paula Jones was asked to visit Clinton in a hotel room. She said "no" and he said "okay." Six years later at the urging of right-wing forces Jones comes forward with her allegations of sexual harassment. After rejecting all support from the feminist community, Jones continues with her case, which essentially attempts to re-do sexual harassment laws in a way that almost prevents even wanted sexual attention in the workplace. I see the cases as very different.



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