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I worked for a major company and on my shift I was the only woman. I was harassed by my supervisor and coworkers all the time. Some of the coworkers talked sex, mooned me and grabbed at my private parts. My supervisor would watch and laugh. One would call out his name and he would egg them on. I would tell them to stop and even confront them in front of the crew that I didn't want them to touch me, talk sex, or pull down their pants. But the situation just got worse.

My supervisor and some of the coworkers got angry and retaliated against me for voicing my complaint to them. The work place got so bad I just couldn't take it anymore. Scared and not knowing what to do or much of my rights, I finally went to get legal advice. It took all the strength I had to come forward because I was so afraid of what they could or would do to me or my property.

Although I don't work for the company anymore, I am, afraid everyday. But I am getting stronger. I do have a lawyer who I hope can help me. But I do intend to take it all the way. I didn't know what to do, but I did take pictures and tape conversation. So I have evidence that will show the kind of hurt I went through. And I will defiantly bring it out, so no other woman will have to endure this kind of hurt. Truly - Faith

How awful that you had to be subjected to such humiliation - even though it's your coworkers and/or your boss who should be humiliated. I'm glad that you have left, but that you haven't left behind the fact that if not you, someone else. You are in fact in a better position lobbying from outside that company. Now, your job isn't at stake, so you are at liberty to tell the truth. The same can't be assumed for people who still work there and, therefore, feel that anything they do or say might be held against them.

As you know, the first step is to find a good labor lawyer in your area. I'm not sure if you have heard of anyone reputable in your area, but that would be the place to start. Ask around and see what other people have to say. The other option is to try places like the American Civil Liberties Union, since your civil rights were abused, or the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, which only takes on precedent setting cases, but which is knowledgeable on other resources.

I hope these suggestions help and I hope that your bravery and commitment to justice means that no one will have to experience what you had to experience. Good Luck.



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