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Sexual Harassment

HELP! There is a co-worker of mine that has an extensive web site that contains pornography and sexually graphic "moving" pictures. He has labeled one of these pictures with my name with his mouse-over pointer. He tells co-workers to "check out his site" and there they see my name on (what could be construed as me) a picture of two people engaging in "a form" of sexual behavior. I found out his ISP through a search system. They contacted him and told him I had a complaint. He removed it for a day, then put it back on. He refuses to remove my name. What are my legal avenues? HELP! ISP has yet to get back to me about what more I can do.

Thanks for your note to Feminist.com--and I am so sorry that you have had to experience this awful and offensive form of harassment. I'm not quite sure what your legal rights are--given the Internet, etc... I do, however, suggest that you contact some organizations that have more experience with filing formal complaints:

  1. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, 120 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002; (202) 544-4470.
  2. 9 to 5--National Association of Working Women, 238 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #700, Milwaukee, WI 53203; 414-274-0926.
  3. Equal Rights Advocates; 1663 Mission Street, Suite #550, San Francisco, CA 94103; (415) 621-0672.
  4. Feminist Majority Sexual Harassment Hotline; 703-522-2501.



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