my perspective, where I get
many notes from individuals
who are being sexually harassed,
I think there are many reasons
why someone would not report
such an incident. Primarily,
I think there is confusion about
what sexual harassment is. There
seems to be some gray middle
area that doesn't fit the legal
definition of sexual harassment--i.e.,
that it is either quid pro quo
or hostile environment--and
is more sexual and gendered
than job discrimination. For
instance, what happens when
the harassment is from a subordinate
or a peer? This falls outside
of the legal definition of sexual
harassment. Also, what happens
when it is a small business
that is exempt from federal
sexual harassment laws?
Furthermore, anyone who has
followed sexual harassment cases
knows that it just takes so
long to see your case through
and in the process you are subjected
to so much other harassment--for
instance, questions about why
you had to speak up. Being subjected
to this additional harassment
and this long-drawn out process
isn't inviting. So I think the
one conclusive answer is that
we don't know enough about what
sexual harassement is and isn't,
nor we do know enough about
how to stop it. Good luck.