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Can you find out the types of bladder repair that are being offered to women? I am 60 and my bladder has fallen a great deal. I am getting very concerned and lately very uncomfortable. Would appreciate any information you can find. I have talked to my Dr. about a year ago. I just keep putting it off. Please reply. Thanks so much.

Unfortunately, I don't have any information on bladder repair--nor do I know how common this is for women (and men, too). I looked it up in Our Bodies Ourselves and didn't find anything. However, the Boston Women's Health Book Collective has also published Ourselves Growing Older. If this bladder problem is something common in older women, then it might be in that edition. (Visit the FEMINIST.COM Bookstore to buy this book). Also, besides checking this book out, there are excellent health books for women available in most bookstores. Hopefully a trip to your local bookstore could bring something up...Good luck--and I hope it's nothing too serious

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