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September 26, 1997

"Sexual harassment exists throughout the Army, crossing gender, rank, and racial lines," according to a scathing report released two weeks ago by Secretary of the Army Togo West. Sexual discrimination is even more common than sexual harassment. The House Military Personnel Subcommittee is expected to hold hearings beginning October 1 on the report. Even though the Army itself reports that women do better in mixed training (and men do as well or better), opponents of women in the military will be out in forces to say the Army should change alright - by banning women or going to segregated training. Tell committee members you're not buying -- the Army should clean up its act and stop discriminating against female soldiers. Contact Chair Steve Buyer (R-IN; BS-Citadel) 202-225-5037; Fax: 202-225-2267; no e-mail and ranking member Gene Taylor (D-MS) 202-225-5772. fax 202-225-7074; E-mail (WFF 9/26/97).




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