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The Sling Station
We offer a wide selection of baby slings, pouches, wraparound carriers, mei tais and the best structured carriers available (the Ergo Baby carrier). Our carriers are kind to your body and ergonomic for your baby. Your baby is held in a natural, seated position with his spine fully supported. Our carriers are typically used for babies from preemie to 3 years.

We are so excited to be able to share one of our greatest discoveries with new moms and dads. While pregnant with my second baby, I discovered a world of baby carriers that were more comfortable than anything I could find at my local baby superstore. I was so excited to find a carrier that I could actually use with my bad back. With baby #1, he was very high needs and I carried him just about all the time. With baby #2, I learned how to use a wraparound carrier and later a mei tai to carry my quickly growing baby. We are still using the same carriers with our 2 year old. It was so freeing to be able to meet my baby’s needs as well as my own. With a sling, I could wash clothes, get something to eat, or go shopping with my baby safe and comfortable. I never had to take the heavy car seat out of the car or load up the stroller. Nursing the baby when we were out and about was made much easier with the help of the baby sling.

I started the business to make these carriers available to other moms who were struggling with the same issues as me: a baby who wanted to be held and needed to nurse constantly, a toddler to chase, a bad back, and a home to take care of.

We have a number of articles on our web site to help you determine the best type of baby carrier for you. We love to help you choose the perfect baby sling, please do not hesitate to call or email if you need some help choosing.