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Dear Amy,

My name is Krystal. I'm 15 years old and I'm home schooling so that I can get to medical school early. I would like to become and OB/GYN. At this point I'm very interested in women's and girls rights, especially their access to health care. I would information on becoming an abortion doctor, such as what kind of schooling is required, what kind of daily life they have, and things like that. The reason I'm interested in this field is because I had a high school friend that recently needed an abortion and couldn't because of various reasons. These were her age, Mississippi's 24 hour waiting law, inability to receive emergency medical abortion, and, etc. She ended up doing it herself at home and I don't ever want to see that happen again. It made me very mad and then I became more interested in the rights women have regarding their own bodies and contraceptive rights. If you would please send me any information about my interests please forward them to me or tell me where I might be able to find them.

Sincerely, Krystal



Dear Krystal,

Most of us are driven to support abortion rights because, like you, we have witnessed someone have to jump through so many hoops just to experience this basic right. There is a great group called Medical Students for Choice -- www.ms4c.org -- and another called Physicians for Reproductive Health and Choice -- www.prhc.org -- both should be able to better answer your question and provide you with clues about what to do. If you don't get the information you need let me know and I can put you in touch with people directly there. I hope that helps -- and thanks again for your work -- good luck.

-- Amy



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