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My name is Kerri and I am a reporter for Woman's Day Magazine. I'm writing a story on laws that harm/discriminate against women. Do you know of:

  • An expert who may have researched this topic
  • An organization that may have published a study
  • Women who have been harmed by a bad law and will agree to be interviewed and have their name and photo used for publication

Thanks - Kerri

To address all of your questions, I think that you have to think about specific issues. For instance, advocates tend to file by their issue areas -- so, yes, experts do exist who deal with laws that harm women, but these people, even legal experts, are usually classified by the issue itself. For instance, the Million Mom March that happened Mother's Day weekend in Washington, DC addressed gun violence and there are gun laws that negatively impact women in particular.

Similarly, there are divorce laws that don't help women -- and someone like Karen Winner, who has a book and an organization named Divorced From Justice", can address those specific laws. There are pay equity laws--and these can be addressed by places like the National Committee on Pay Equity and 9to5: National Association of Working Women. There are lots of other issues and organizations and many of them are listed at Feminist.com. I also believe that there is a great book out called The Reasonable Woman by Carol Forner and that should help you.


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