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Hi! I think you have a great site and I was trying to find some information on the portrayal of women in the media. But I need to focus on the past - which is not such an easy thing as I'm finding out. I've tried to find information on the model named "Twiggy" but that hasn't become too successful! Anyhow, if you could think of any ideas I would be so appreciative! Thanks so much! Keep up the good work! Sincerely - Danielle

To find some historical information about women in the media you might try Susan Douglas's book, Where The Girls Are - this is a look at mass media, including TV, magazines, etc... with a focus on the 50s and the 60s, the latter which was Twiggy's era.

Back in the 20s there was a media magnet named Mrs. Frank Leslie, who was referred to as the Queen of Publishing Row. Reading about her would probably reveal information about women and the media from that era. And for more recent information you should reference the work of Gail Dines and Jean Kilbourne (the author of Killing Us Softly - about women and the media). I hope those suggestions help - good luck with your research.


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