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I have recently noticed real inequality in the media, which as we all know has been a long running issue. I'm 18 years old and really want to make society a more equal place for females. I think challenging the media and making changes would be a huge step towards bringing about equality.

I was watching a film last night with my boyfriend and there were 4 naked women mud wrestling, I felt uncomfortable and didn't understand why that was necessary. Of course the censorship councils won't ban female nudity as it brings money from male viewers, but if they won't do that then they should at least make movies orientated towards women with full male nudity. I'm not really interested in seeing naked men in movies to be honest, but it would force them to rethink the female nudity laws, or to make some sort of change for females!

Therefore I am hoping to receive signatures from women all over the world, I am asking for your support and wondering about perhaps putting my petition on your website so that women who feel the same can sign and make a difference.


Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Rachel,

I wanted to thank you for sharing your petition with us. I'm sure that others who visit our site will share your outrage. Good luck, and what a great example that you didn't just stay mad, you did something!

- Amy